Page 87 - THE PATH
P. 87

This utopian approach was not realistic. The need
            for money is obvious and can not be denied.

                   Marx’s ardent follower, Lenin, applied this theory in

            practice.  After  the  victory  of  the  October  Revolution  of

            1917  in  the  USSR,  Lenin  eliminated  money  and  thus
            caused chaos. (The ruble collapsed and barter increasingly

            replaced money as a medium of exchange)

                   That  period  of  four  years  was  called  Military
            Communism.  After  four  years  of  chaos,  money  was  re-

            introduced.  This  meant  failure  of  the  whole  theory  and

            philosophy  of  Marxism  and  its  fundamental  principle,
            “Work  as  much  as  you  please  and  take  as  much  a  you


                   The  human  being  is  part  of  the  nature.  The

            competitive  instinct  motivates  him  from  the  day  he  was
            created.  In  the  primitive  community  the  strongest  man

            was the leader. Nowadays the strongest man is the one

            who is the wealthiest. He can be short, thin, feeble, sick,

            tall,  handsome,  overweight,  bold,  it  does  not  matter.  As
            long as he has a lot of money, he is the strongest and the

            most powerful.

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