Page 91 - THE PATH
P. 91

Some steps towards unification of the parts of the
            whole  have  already  been  taken.  Example  of  this  are

            various economic alliances (like CEFTA, NAFTA, EFTA and

            others) among countries in the world and these alliances

            offer some benefits for the member states.
                   The  European  Union  is  also  a  case  in  point.  The

            need for alliances is inevitable, but partial unifications are

            not the true solution. Small parts unite, yet the whole is
            separated. The local unions have also negative aspects.

                   Even though local and regional associations protect

            certain territories, they do not solve the main issue.
                   Mathematically speaking, the situation is as follows:

            There are about two hundred countries in the world today

            and  that  many  interests  and  goals.  If  fifty  associations

            were made, there would be fifty interests and goals.
                   Obviously,  in  a  case  like  this  the  number  of

            problems  would  be  reduced  to  fifty,  but  the  problems

            would remain. A single union would produce a single goal.

            It would eliminate contradictions and different interests.
                   Total  unification  is  the  true  and  ultimate  solution.

            Nowadays,  denying  the  whole  is  the  main  problem  and

            the solution starts with the establishment of the whole.
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