Page 55 - THE PATH
P. 55

to say something about love, yet my thoughts go astray,
            to the dark side of murders, hunger and poverty.

                   Where  has  love  for  people,  love  for  changes,  joy

            and happiness gone?

                   Do  you  feel  well  when  on  television  you  see  a
            tattered mother with  a child in her arms?  A skinny child

            with flies around its head? Is it decent on our part?

                   Where  is  the  love  for  our  fellow  citizens  on  this
            planet? Is it all right? Would you like to help?

                   Giving  money  is  not  the  only  help.  To  help  is  to

            love; to treat them equally, on the same scale next to you.
                   They should be given a chance to go side by side

            with  us,  a  chance  to  live  like  us.  They  should  get

            education and a chance to work and earn a decent living.

                   This  is  not  going  to  affect  us  and  lower  our
            standard of living. On the contrary, we are going to gain

            from it. The fact that they will be earning for themselves

            means  that  they  will  have  money  to  satisfy  their

            increasing needs. When the small child grows up, he will
            dream  about  living  in  the  West,  to  be  an  immigrant,  to

            escape  those  poor  living  conditions,  to  be  happy.  If  he

            fails, he will become a terrorist or something like that.
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