Page 48 - THE PATH
P. 48
They tried to eliminate money as a means for
exchange. The four years of the so-called military
communism, without the use of money, created chaos in
the economy, so money had to be reinstated.
The leveling of salaries was yet another key
problem as it demotivated the good workers. Efficient
workers were equally paid as the incapable or less capable
ones and were even more successful if they were political
poltroons. Marx’s theory and thought slowly but surely
failed in practice. The people who lived in this communist
system started having doubts about it. And so, the
collapse of the Berlin Wall was followed by the collapse of
communism. Some communist countries tried to make a
new model as a transitional period in order to reach the
ideal communism. One of those communist philosophers
was Edvard Kardelj from Yugoslavia. Through analysis of
the communist system he came to the idea of creating a
new kind of ownership. He introduced collective workers’
ownership: Factories belong to the workers.
State owned companies were given to the workers
who worked there.