Page 198 - THE PATH
P. 198
Banks are nowadays the most profitable legal businesses
in the whole world. In the past, it was well known, banks
used to give 5, 6 or 7 percent annual interest to citizens’
savings. Banks invested the money of the people as loans
to companies and individuals. The annual interest rates on
loans were 9, 10, 11 or 12 percent and it lasted for years.
The logic of the banks’ operations was relatively normal.
What is happening today? Annual interest rates on
citizens’ savings is about one percent while the interest
rate to allocated money from these savings deposits
remained the same or slightly decreased. Banks
worldwide became usurious companies and mortgaged
people’s property. What did they get? Foreclosed
properties are sold at denominated value. This problem
was not addressed by anyone. Both governments and
oppositions disregarded it.
People are constantly under pressure and their natural,
innate feelings are being violated and crashed.
A friend of mine recently told me my first book was rather
crude, implicating that I should be more sophisticated in
my second book. I did not comment because everyone is
entitled to their own opinion, but this only confirmed my