Page 195 - THE PATH
P. 195


            History always remembers bad things: violence, frauds,
            murders… all of that apparently condemned by the

            society. The relationship between people and nature were
            not brilliant but they progressed. Both interpersonal

            relations and people’s attitude towards  nature have

            gradually improved. The development was obvious and it
            was most often motivated by previous negative


            Today’s social relations do not correspond to the level of

            human intelligence. Wrong values have been established
            and permeated the society and everyday life. Negative

            values have gradually sneaked into every pore of the
            society and some of them became even socially

            recognized. People became insecure and restless,

            manipulations of all sorts are felt everywhere. This
            negative relationship must be treated in order to take a

            positive direction. To make this clear, I will try to be more
            specific and mention some negative phenomena that exist

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