Page 171 - THE PATH
P. 171
When unity is established, the different goals and interests
will also unite. In the course of time, in future, there will be
only one goal and one inters. The new truth will question
the production of today’s weapons that are used to wage
wars among people. The whole present military industry
will be used for the future social needs that are going to be
much bigger than today. The old truth will inevitably be
replaced with the new one.
Example 6.
One of the biggest drawbacks today is bribery and
corruption. They are today’s reality and truth. All the
countries of the world have stated their struggle against
this evil. Bribery and corruption are more evident in some
countries than in other, but they are present everywhere.
Developed countries conceal them with more
sophisticated methods and in some of them they are part
of their laws and thus made invisible. In the developing
world, bribery and corruption are rough and visible. But in
both cases the goal is the same.
In future, when the goal will be the same throughout the
world, a system will be developed where there will not be