Page 246 - Wholeness
P. 246
Sovereign state means giving the right to the stronger state to
dominate the weaker.
A vain person is prone to hurting others unwittingly. But when this
is done on purpose, it becomes premeditated crime.
Conceited people think they are the smartest, a smart person is
not conceited.
Essential values are intrinsically moral.
Complete self-confidence is achieved only in the whole.
The three types of government: aristocracy, democracy and
monarchy, are obsolete and unproductive for the future. The will
of the whole is the future pillar of the new social relationships.
Living conditions in the future will not motivate desire for
ownership and isolation from the whole.
Philosophy has to deal with the complexity and reality of the
world in order to improve the quality of life. The task of
philosophy is to explain, justify, interpret and clarify life issues.
Full functionality, usefulness and practicality can be achieved in
the whole where there is one common interest.
The whole will provide well-being and motivate people towards
progress and development.