Page 238 - Wholeness
P. 238

Satisfied  physical  and  mental  needs  result  in  good  social
        relations and proper social development.

        A united whole and creation of a single society will put an end to

        people’s suffering.

        Malice  and  evil  exist  and  their  pervasiveness  is  due  to  the

        division of the whole.

        Evildoing  and  bad  habits  are  part  of the history  and  product of

        the  negative  existence  and  strong  ambition  to  outperform  the
        others at any cost. Today’s justice is relativized, and this creates

        evil. Living in the whole will suppress and destroy evil because

        existential needs will be met, and individual ambitions will benefit
        the whole.

        Knowledge  is  power  that  should  be  used  in  the  whole  to  bring
        social development on the right track.

        Egotism means placing one’s own interests above the interests

        of  all  the  others.  Egotism  in  the  whole  will  be  transformed  into

        An individual is part of society and therefore general happiness
        also produces personal happiness.

        Equality and brotherhood will be achieved in the whole by means

        of dialectical realism.

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