Page 237 - Wholeness
P. 237

Dialectical  realism  allows  for  discovery  of  new  truths.  The
        replacement  of  old  truths  by  new  ones  has  to  be  socially


        Dialectical realism proves democracy to be essential for human

        Collective  organized  life  will  produce  dignified  and  serene
        citizens of the world.

        It  is  impossible  to  achieve  a  welfare  state  because  of  its
        interrelation with other states. Well-being can be achieved in the


        Emotions  are  stirred  by  something  exciting  or  provocative.  It
        means  that  emotions  are  volatile  and  depend  on  the  level  of

        development of the environment. In the whole, emotions will be
        stirred by the essential values of things.

        The whole will strive to achieve ethical behavior.

        The study of life’s reality will produce better life in the future.

        Morality and ethical behavior will prevent hurting anyone or being


        Individual happiness is only possible in the whole, ruled by social

        morality and organized social living.

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