Page 64 - THE PATH
P. 64

will  start  to  melt  away.  Wars  will  be  condemned  by  the
            whole. Wars in the past and present have been waged for

            various causes and reasons. By uniting the countries in a

            whole, the society will have a unique goal.

                   The unique goal will be to make wars and terrorism
            things of the past. Misunderstandings and issues between

            countries will be solved more easily. Collective awareness

            will increase the feeling of respect for the whole.
                   Love and respect among people will prevail because

            the  whole  will  discard  the  degenerative  social

            relationships.  Dialectical realism  will  give  the  desired
            effects in time. The application of dialectical realism in

            order to assess a given situation will quickly separate the

            positive from the negative social relationships.

                   Each person will feel safer as a part of the whole
            and  the  whole  will  take  care  of  everybody.  Today’s

            borders between states will only be a formality. People will

            be  able  to  travel  everywhere  unafraid  of  violence,  but

            economic  migrations  will  diminish.  For  example,  I  have
            always  wanted  to  travel  through  Africa  as  a  tourist,  but

            some friends of mine told me it was risky and not safe.

            However, I did not give up my wish and postponed it for
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