Page 19 - THE PATH
P. 19
This book deals with the global changes in the
society. The strengths are highlighted while weaknesses of
the philosophical thoughts that contributed towards
creation of negative phenomena in the development of
human society throughout history are also pointed out.
Dialectical realism is a scientific thought that
gives true answers about the treatment of social and
natural movements.
The use of statistics, pragmatics, logic, sociology,
medicine, economy, philosophy, deduction, history and all
other scientific thoughts that analyze and treat the subject
from various aspects, by means of super analysis freed
from subjectivism, will give the right solution for the
correct development of the society. History would not
have made its disastrous mistakes, if this approach had
been used.
The purpose of this book is not to hurt anyone. Its
aim is not to take from the rich and give to the poor, but
to give rise to a revolution.
The purpose of this book is not to burn Giordano
Bruno at the stake for telling the truth – that the Earth is
round and orbits the Sun.