Page 128 - THE PATH
P. 128

So,  in  all  professions  there  are  the  same
            elements. A good surgeon is not born as a surgeon, and

            even  owners  of  "Apple"  ,  which  is  one  of  the  richest

            companies  in  the  world,  started  working  in  the  garage

            with a cheap computer. With this I want to compare the
            athletes  competing  today  in  their  skills  with  the  future

            people who will be competing in their work.

                     (Money  is  not  everything.  Would  an  Olympic
            champion sell the gold medal he had won? Some things

            have  no  price.)  Even  today  there  are  those  individuals

            who compete in their jobs like top athletes, but they are

                     Sport will evolve because it is clean and should be

            an example for the positive. The future should resemble

            today's  sport.  Today's  wars  (of  the  last  hundred  years)
            should  be  replaced  with  sports  "wars",  i.e.  competitions,

            because  athletes  prove  their  quality  on  sports  fields  and

            not on battlefields where lives are lost.

                     This  model  would  be  used  at  work,  where  each
            worker  should  compete  with  the  other  workers  to  prove

            his individual ability. Individual faculty will be motivated by

            the collective joy.
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