Page 100 - THE PATH
P. 100
The transition in which lie will die out will take
some time and will last until collective awareness gets to
the level when each individual will separate between good
and evil.
Only then will lie become history, greed will be
ridiculous and condemned by the society. A great number
of lies have to be studied in order to serve as an example
of evil. In future, the good will become a subject of
study. Various religions in the world say that the man was
created by God as a respectable and honest creature. God
created humans to live in peace, harmony and happiness.
Progress is in the human genes. Throughout history, man
has not stopped and is always moving upwards.
There have been periods when society went
downwards, but it soon recuperated and reestablished its
upward movement.
Man’s goals have always been progressive.
When it gets dark, go out to a meadow and lie
down on the grass. When you look up (if the sky is not
overcast), what can you see? Yes… our wonderful Milky
Way! Among its myriad of celestial bodies, there are
planets larger or smaller than the Earth.