Page 57 - Wholeness
P. 57
The process is going to take a lot of time and hard work, but
knowing the final goal, we shall have to endure and be motivated
by the desire to get there.
To say “Evil people are sick” is a relatively false inference,
made without any deep cogitation. It is easy to make statements
that are not based on analysis and study. Certain phenomena
are always followed by the question WHY?
Partial and total demagogies have always been present in social
relationships. History remembers people burning at the stake for
telling the truth. It was done in order to preserve illusions that
perpetuated certain personal material benefit. Evil is condemned
or disqualified, but in general, it does not change. Secret games
were played for personal gain.
The reasons for the existence of evil are objective and subjective.
Evil will continue to exist as long as social relations are primitive,
but it will not be able to thrive in the whole.
Ploughed fields give better yields. The unplowed ground gives
only shrubs and weeds, which are useless to people. Organized
society yields goodness and altruism.
Evil is born for many reasons. A thief is created for many
reasons. The main reasons are the unequal start in people’s