Page 10 - Wholeness
P. 10
Philosophy of human conditions
and the pathway towards building unity
into human existence
Philosophy is a study that deals with the development of
society and it improves social relations. It is a science above
all sciences because without it there is neither law nor
economy, neither happiness nor serenity for people. Without
philosophy, there is no progress of humankind.
Everybody has his or her philosophy and lives accordingly.
Living conditions should allow people to live their lives as
they please, in harmony with the environment that respects
moral values. Philosophy has always been beneficial to
society and even though in history there were people who
gave wrong directions to the social development, in time
these errors were rectified and served as lessons not to be
Anthropology as science gives answers to most human
questions and instructs us to improve ourselves in order to
be able to have better, more serene and happier lives.