Page 204 - THE PATH
P. 204
The basic function of banks consisted of taking money
from individuals and legal entities as savings. Natural or
legal persons deposit money in order to get interest.
Another function of the bank is to invest this money in the
form of loans to natural or legal persons (companies,
citizens, states, cities, investors and others) who need
Investing money earns more money. By lending money
through so-called loans banks receive interest. The
interest rate on deposited money is lower than that of the
loans. Banks provide other services as well, such as
payment operations, credit cards, etc.
In the beginning, this worked in a normal and logical way.
Presented in figures, it would look like this.
For example, in 1975, $1,000 savings in a bank would
have 8% interest per annum, which would mean $1,080 at
the end of the year, of which $1,000 is the basic deposit
and $80 interest money.
The bank invested this money in companies, investors and
individuals who needed money to purchase houses,
apartments, machinery, raw materials and other