Page 136 - THE PATH
P. 136

Therefore  the  aim  of  this  book  is  to  implement
            dialectical realism in social relationships as a means to

            detect  the  real  Truth.When  we  enter  the  future  social

            order (humaneness), the whole will be created and will

            start working properly .
                     Humaneness  will  occur  when  there  are  no

            starving  children,  wars,  murders,  unemployment,  crime,

            corruption  and  everything  that  is  negative  today;  when
            people  respect  and  love  each  other;  when love  between

            people  is  real;  when  man  becomes  Human  with  real

            human values.

            Copyright ©: Tony Gichevski, 2014
            ISBN 177  130.123.1

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